Meeting every unique travel need with a premium aircraft collection
For years, I’ve admired Flexjet’s commitment to quality, customer service and integrity. It was with great excitement that Flexjet and their team joined Directional. I believe the sky is the limit with them.
— Kenneth C. Ricci, Principal, Directional Aviation
Flexjet manages a premium collection of business aircraft, offering unmatched travel options, ultimate flexibility and freedom for every unique travel need. Taking a truly consultative approach, the company is dedicated to a premium, tailored experience with fractional ownership or jet card options. The luxury brand operates a young fleet of four years old or newer aircraft with the latest technology, hand-crafted interiors and unmatched service.
A commitment to customer service and safety has earned Flexjet industry accolades, including being the first fractional aircraft program in the world to achieve the Air Charter Safety Foundation’s Industry Audit Standard. The only company to receive the FAA’s highest honor for maintenance training, the Diamond Award of Excellence, for more than 20 consecutive years, Flexjet is aggressively expanding its fleet and its reach domestically and globally.
What differentiates Flexjet is its extraordinary aircraft collection, customer dedication and attention to detail. Our vision for Flexjet is to take that passion, make it infectious and circulate it throughout the globe.
— Kenneth C. Ricci, Principal, Directional Aviation

Customers who own fractional shares and fly corporately want to fly with a company that’s enthusiastic about the industry. We’re taking the time to consider every detail and give them the exceptional experience they deserve.
— Mike Silvestro, Chief Executive Officer